School Information
About us
St. Michael’s High School is a Christian school that belongs to Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Anglican Church in Japan). Nippon Sei Ko Kai shares doctrinal practices of the Church of England. As related facilities, there are many schools such as Rikkyo Educational Corporation, Kobe Shoin Women’s University, Shoin Junior & Senior High School, St. Andrew’s School (Momoyama Gakuin), Poole Gakuin, hospitals like St. Luke’s International Hospital, and many welfare facilities. Our school was established as Yashiro Gakuin Boys’ Senior High School with full-time schooling system and the general course by Michael Hinsuke Yashiro, Bishop of Kobe, on the top of the hill of Tarumi in 1963. In order to realize seven-year all-round education, Yashiro Gakuin University was founded in 1968. Later, in 1992, the school’s name was changed due to the new name of the university: St. Michael’s Senior High School Affiliated to Kobe International University.

Founder Bishop Michael Hinsuke Yashiro
Bishop Michael Hinsuke Yashiro started his mission at the age of 17 to enter the ministry and devoted his life to sacred vocation around the world. His achievements post World War II are especially remarkable. In 1948, He got permission to travel abroad as the first Japanese post war and attended international conferences. He handed Emperor Hirohito’s message to George VI, the king of UK then. In this way, he served as a civilian ambassador between Japan and the world when Japan was diplomatically isolated. His achievements are widely known to the world and highly appreciated.
Facts and Figures
Stand in awe of God, but fear no man, and serve mankind.
(As of July 19, 2022)